Course List πŸš€

Embark on an exciting journey to master CRO: each lesson is a step towards your success!

Cm course list)

Online Course - Part 1:
Introduction to CRO

This first course aims to introduce you to CRO in a simple way. You will learn the basics of CRO, the necessary people, the implementation process, and how to launch a first AB test.

  • 1

    CRO Definition

    But what is CRO actually? We will start with a definition.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 1
  • 2

    CRO Masterclass

    Nothing beats a little masterclass to get a complete view of CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) and experimentation in general. The Ah Ah moment that will change your perception! 

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 2
  • 3

    Test Examples

    We will see examples of tests to concretely materialize the application of CRO in real use cases. Theory is good, practice is better!

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 3
  • 4

    4. Types of Tests

    A/B Test, A/B/n Test, Multivariate Test, Bandit Test, A/A Test... Wait, what are all these tests? Don't worry, we will explain it all to you ;)

    Reading Time:
    βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 4
  • 5

    Team and Process

    Alone we go faster, together we go further... Well, that's a bit how it is in CRO. In itself, it takes a lot of different skills to implement effective experimentation processes.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 5
  • 6

    6. Setting Up a Test

    Yes, you thought you wouldn't have to get your hands dirty... Well, not here. You will have to do your first test! Learning by doing!

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 6
  • 7

    7. Analyzing Results

    Now, we learn how to analyze test results in a simple way in the AB testing tool. The idea is to make you autonomous as quickly as possible!

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 7
  • 8

    8. End of the Stage

    Oh, it's already the end of the stage... Let's summarize your learning and provide feedback to improve this course.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 8

Are you ready to take the first step?

Start this amazing crochet learning adventure through an extraordinary learning experience.

Online Course - Part 2:
Learn the Basics of CRO

Once you have a global vision, we will start getting serious with the course on Learning the Basics of CRO.

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    This course is specially designed to guide you through the intricacies of CRO, provide you with proven strategies, and help you understand how to effectively use these techniques to improve your business.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 1
  • 2

    Intuition vs Data

    What do we base our decisions on; intuition or data? And what if neither is the best approach.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 2
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    The Myths

    There are so many myths surrounding experimentation, it's time to clarify it all!

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 3
  • 4

    Randomized Experimentation Program

    Don't let chance choose for you. There is a much more effective process than simply taking risks.☠️

    Lesson 4
  • 5

    When to Use Experimentation?

    Experimentation is a tool πŸ› οΈ, and like any tool, it cannot solve all types of problems. 

    Lesson 5
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    Experimenting Without Strategy

    Experimenting without a real strategy is a waste of time and money.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 6
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    Growth Model

    Understanding how your business generates growth and profit to continue growing and expanding. 

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 7
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    Customer Problems

    To generate more growth, we will need to identify customer problems to find improvement opportunities.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 8
  • 9

    Measuring Success KPIs

    To understand the outcome of an improvement, we must first identify its measures and their contribution to the business objectives.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 9
  • 10

    Prioritizing Problems

    To prioritize problems, we define a prioritization grid in line with our quarterly or annual business objectives.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 10
  • 11

    Solution Hypothesis

    There are several ways to find solution hypotheses to identified problems, but we need to be careful with HIPPOs.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 11
  • 12

    Prioritizing Hypotheses

    There are many prioritization models, here we cover the two most well-known for experimentation.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 12
  • 13

    Solution Approach

    Finding solutions to problems is not easy. In this lesson, we detail all the axes for identifying solutions to test. 

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 13
  • 14

    Test or Not to Test?

    Some solutions can be implemented immediately, while others need to be A/B tested.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 14
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    Test Prioritization: Cost, Gains, and Time

    There are three considerations to prioritize the order of tests based on ROI; the cost of the test, the expected gain, and time.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 15
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    Test Prioritization: ROI Calculation

    How to prioritize our tests based on their potential profitability? What is the ROI or ROTI for each test?

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

  • 17

    Simultaneous or Sequential Testing?

    Should we launch tests simultaneously or sequentially? And at the variation level, what about testing?

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 17
  • 18

    Design Brief

    The quality of a brief defines the quality of the final output. So, let's see how to create a detailed brief for necessary designs for tests.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 18
  • 19

    Test Plan

    A test plan should detail all the elements of the test; the hypothesis, the source of the hypothesis, the problem we are addressing...

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 19
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    Development & Testing

    The responsibility for proper development according to the brief lies with the technical team, while the PM or CRO manager validates the implementation.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 20
  • 21

    Statistical Significance

    Statistical significance, or significance level, refers to the threshold at which the results of a test are considered reliable.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 21
  • 22

    Types of Test Results

    An A/B test is designed to determine which variant (A or B) performs better in achieving a specific goal, but it's not that simple.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 22
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    The 2 Statistical Approaches

    Should we use the frequentist method or Bayesianism? In this lesson, we will discover both methods to determine which one to use.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 23
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    A/A Test

    Do you know what an A/A test is? Should you conduct an A/A test? Let's find out together.

    Reading Time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 24

And we continue...

  • 1

    Lesson 25 - Test Launch

    Do you know the steps to launch a test? It's time to discover all of that.

    Reading time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 25
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    Lesson 26 - Test Analysis

    We will learn how to analyze tests. Test analysis is a crucial step to understand the obtained results and draw relevant conclusions.

    Reading time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 26
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    Lesson 27 - Test ROI

    Launching tests is good, but understanding the true return on investment (ROI) of those tests is better.

    Reading time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 27
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    Lesson 28 - Results Presentation

    And now, we reach the end of the journey where we have the opportunity to present the detailed results of the tests we have conducted.

    Reading time: βŒ› 5 min

    Lesson 28

Learn CRO differently.